Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

That first sip of coffee in the morning when just out of bed.

Being safe and snug inside with your family while a storm rages outside.

A bubble bath and a bit of reading before my work day starts.

Homemade blueberry pancakes for lunch on a weekday.

I've been participating in the 100 Happy Days Project and these are my images for the week of happy moments captured on camera. I'm generally a happy person anyway so finding things that make me happy is very easy. :)


Magic Love Crow said...

I'm very happy looking at your post ;o) I hope you had a great Valentine's Day ;o) Those pancakes look sooo good ;o)

Gina Cuff said...

I had a lovely day, Stacy. And the pancakes were so yummy! I ate too many. :)