Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Week of Happiness!

I love drawing so much and I could do it forever. This is the beginning of a self-portrait. I haven't done one in awhile.

I'm reading the second book in the series, A Game of Thrones. I'm reluctant to watch the shows before finishing the books.

A beautiful, unexpected rose for Valentine's Day.

Yummy beverages and stimulating conversation with my family at our local coffee/bookstore and then a bit of browsing of the shelves afterwards is a great way to spend a cold, Winter evening.

Yoga in my bedroom helps me connect to my spirit and to find peace and stretch my body.

A Sunday afternoon enjoying a lovely fire and sharing a meal with a good friend and family.

As I sit here looking at these photos of my life and all the happy moments that I have experienced this week, I reflect on how happiness truly cannot be bought. It's the quiet times I spend with myself and the good times I spend with my family that mean the most to me. I'm feeling very grateful for my life right now. Namaste.


Magic Love Crow said...

Beautiful post Gina and so truthful! Blessings my friend ;o)

Magic Love Crow said...

I forgot to say, I love Game Of Thrones! I have not read the books, but the tv show is amazing!