Friday, October 12, 2007

Illustration Friday -- Extreme

Here's a watercolor painting I did a few years ago, didn't like and completely forgot about. I came across the image of it yesterday and decided that except for some perspective issues, I like it very much. So I went from one extreme to the next -- not liking to liking. :) It's an old house that lives on a beautiful, tree lined road not far from where I am. I'm not sure if anyone lives in it because it always looks neglected, but I could happily spend my days here.


murphy girl said...

looks like boo radley's place; i love it, too!

Willie Baronet said...

It DOES look like Boo Ridley's place. I really like it. Nice work, Gina!


what a well-executed watercolor !! fabulous !!

Vhrsti said...

Amazing work! Perfect work!

get zapped said...

I really like it. It lends itself to the imagination - what hidden places it has - or what would it be like with sunlight streaming in at odd angles. Nice work!

Unknown said...

Love this one. really well done.
Great athmosphere

Matthew Smith said...

extreme talent!


extremely beautiful, gina! ^_^

Laurel Neustadter said...

An excellent watercolor.

Vera Pino said...

really nice

Diandra Mae said...

I adore old homes! I like the details of this one very much, and I agree with the others, it is (especially with that tree) reminscient of "To Kill a Mockingbird." Lovely watercolor.