Monday, November 05, 2012


 Here are the pretty fabric flags I made for the windows in my studio to brighten it up during the darker days of winter. The white mini lights make it inviting and cozy and their warmth welcome me in every day.
 My sweet daughter, Rebecca, and my niece, Sarah. Rebecca is leaving for Istanbul on Wednesday for five weeks. I'm going to miss her so much. She has a quirky sense of humour and she makes me laugh often.
 Gennie and Ricki keep me company while I work on my rug which I finished shortly after I took this photo. I will post a picture of it tomorrow. Next knitting group I will be learning how to crochet a rug using flannel fabric strips. Looking forward to Wednesday night.
I saw this beauty today, and many others like it, as I left the bank. I had to stop for a photo. The colors are brilliant and were stunning to see on a foggy, rainy morning. Nature is the most amazing artist!

I had a very busy and excellent weekend. Renovations on the inside of the house and yard work on the outside filled my days. I look forward to having everything done so I can concentrate on my painting. I started a drawing for a painting last week and I haven't had a chance to work on it yet. Jewelry orders keep me busy in the studio and I'm putting the finishing touches on a doll I plan on submitting to a magazine. 

Exciting news! Starbucks has their Christmas beverages on the menu again. I happily discovered this while at Chapters the other night. I've had two eggnog lattes already. Drinking a yummy holiday drink while browsing the books and magazines is one of my favorite things to do.

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